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Sarah-Jayne Gratton
Nov 7, 20223 min read
A10 Networks’ New Research Adds Essential Value to Enterprise Security
Tech Uncorked, the popular podcast show that breaks down the hype and gossip surrounding new technology, was delighted to have Paul...

Sarah-Jayne Gratton
Jul 6, 20224 min read
Aruba Instant On: The Art of the Possible means Thinking Differently
Living in the shadow of Covid has changed us all in a way that was simply unimaginable just two years back. Our lives have been...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Nov 5, 20213 min read
Does 5G adoption mean out with the old?
With the increasing shift and rollout of 5G, the next-generation cellular technology, legacy cellular technologies are slowly being shut...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Sep 20, 20214 min read
How the Digital Age has Changed Our Architectural Landscape
Our landscape and its architecture have held me in awe as I’ve travelled and worked over many, many years. But things are changing… A...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Jul 29, 20214 min read
Li-Fi: Turn on the Lights
At first, you might be mistaken to read it as Wi-Fi, but no, this is not a typo. Li-Fi is, in fact, a wireless communications technology,...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Jul 3, 20204 min read
From Modern to Medieval: A Journey in Connectivity
Wi-Fi has greatly improved over the years and last year we celebrated20 years of the technology in 20 years of Wi-Fi: What did we ever do...

Dean Anthony Gratton
May 12, 20203 min read
post-Covid19: A Fresh Perspective on the Future
We are still in some sort of lockdown with a new set of “flexible rules” that have been recently introduced by the British government. In...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Apr 7, 20204 min read
Covid19: The Infection in our Infrastructure
We are in the strangest of times. The Coronavirus or Covid-19 has presented many new challenges for humanity: Both for us individually...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Mar 26, 20204 min read
Achieving true Wireless Broadband with Cellular
It was all quite unexpected! You see, I have become familiar with more traditional backhaul technologies such as Ethernet, xDSL, fiber...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Oct 4, 20194 min read
20 years of Wi-Fi: What did we ever do without it?
What happened? Did I blink too fast or has 20 years indeed passed since the first 802.11b standard was introduced in 1999? Those...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Feb 13, 20184 min read
The end of the Internet
The internet: an open and immersive platform where you can find everything and anything, at any time. Well, that's the premise, but some...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Mar 26, 20154 min read
Net Neutrality: The Tainted Agenda
I’m aware that I promised to revisit the Internet of Things (IoT) this month, but I felt I couldn’t resist a follow-up feature on last...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Feb 17, 20154 min read
The Internet: Should we keep freedom of expression alive and well?
The Internet is an open and free platform. You can find anything and everything on the Internet, but not everyone is entirely happy with...

a technologist, analyst & futurist
I dispel the rumours, gossip and hype surrounding new technology
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