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Oct 31, 20221 min read
Where could artificial intelligence help us most?
Uche asks tech futurist Dean Gratton about artificial intelligence and which areas he thinks are most exciting for businesses and...

Sarah-Jayne Gratton
Apr 20, 20223 min read
Ensuring Successful Solutions in 5G Testing Times
A solution isn’t a solution until it’s been tested and proven to work! Continuous technology evolution, as well as the ever-increasing...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Nov 5, 20213 min read
Does 5G adoption mean out with the old?
With the increasing shift and rollout of 5G, the next-generation cellular technology, legacy cellular technologies are slowly being shut...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Jul 20, 20214 min read
With 5G Does Wi-Fi Have a Future?
With the excitement and furore surrounding 5G, the next generation of cellular technology, some are now doubting the future of Wi-Fi,...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Jul 3, 20204 min read
From Modern to Medieval: A Journey in Connectivity
Wi-Fi has greatly improved over the years and last year we celebrated20 years of the technology in 20 years of Wi-Fi: What did we ever do...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Mar 26, 20204 min read
Achieving true Wireless Broadband with Cellular
It was all quite unexpected! You see, I have become familiar with more traditional backhaul technologies such as Ethernet, xDSL, fiber...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Feb 5, 20194 min read
Introducing High-efficiency Wireless with Wi-Fi 6
It’s become second nature – an instinctive behavioral modern-day trait, if you like. Wi-Fi isn't the Internet Yes, we seek ‘Wi-Fi’. Admit...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Mar 8, 20184 min read
5G: ET phone home
As I tackle this month's column, the tail end of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) is in sight and, over the last five or so days, I have...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Mar 17, 20174 min read
One Thing We Do Know About 5G: It’s Inevitable!
4G as a mobile telecommunications technology has been bandied around for over a decade or so and has appeared prematurely in several...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Dec 17, 20155 min read
The Industry Highs and Lows of 2015
So here they are! The highs and lows of the telecoms industry that have kept us all intrigued, if not always entertained, throughout...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Sep 30, 20154 min read
Why we shouldn’t hang up on the landline
The traditional telephone has become an endangered species it seems. That reassuring purr of the landline when we pick up the receiver is...

Dean Anthony Gratton
Aug 5, 20154 min read
5G: Satisfaction Guaranteed or Just a Case of Premature Exaggeration?
“But some of us haven’t even got 4G yet!” – were the first words spoken by my wife when I mentioned this article topic to her. Of course...

a technologist, analyst & futurist
I dispel the rumours, gossip and hype surrounding new technology
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